Major March Madness

This month, the Office of the First Year is partnering with MIT’s academic departments on a new program, Major March Madness (MMM)! Later this semester, first year students will have to submit their Choice of Major form in order to officially declare a major. The purpose of MMM is to help students explore their academic interests and major options prior to filling out the form. 

Each academic department will host a drop-in session, in which students will get to speak with department faculty, administrators, and current students about their majors. These drop-in sessions are intended to be casual and will allow students to ask any questions they may have about each department’s program. 

First year students are encouraged to visit as many drop-in sessions as they’d like! To track their progress, they will get an MMM Stamp Pass stamped at each stop they make. During the OFY’s Major March Madness Hub, which will wrap up the month of exploration, completed stamp passes can be turned in and students can be entered into a raffle for a fun prize. 
View the full calendar of events here.