Happenings Around Campus

MIT Undergrads: Work at an MIT-Founded Startup This Summer!

Apply to be a Pozen Fellow this summer. This is a 10-week paid position where MIT undergrads (rising first-years, sophomores, and juniors) work closely with the founding team of an MIT early-stage startup doing work that is critical to the growth of these companies.

You’ll be doing work such as:

  • Software Engineer
  • Business Analytics & Insight
  • Coding and App Development
  • UI, UX and Web Design
  • Engineering
  • Machine Learning & AI
  • And much more

Sign up for an Info Session on Tuesday March 4 from 6:00 – 7:00 (food will be served) to learn more. Applications open Feb 28 and close on Pi Day, March 14.

Watch the “Why you should apply” video

Questions? Email pozenfellowship@mit.edu

Chemistry Tutors Wanted

Are you strong in Chemistry and enjoy helping others succeed? The Chemistry Department is looking for tutors this Spring term! This is a great opportunity to reinforce your own knowledge, support your peers, and earn extra income.

  • Pay: $16/hour for undergrads, $18/hour for graduate students
  • Commitment: Flexible scheduling; each tutee can receive 1 hr/week of tutoring
  • Impact: Help fellow students gain confidence and succeed in their coursework

If you’re interested in becoming a tutor, please reach out to Angelina at toroaj@mit.edu.

Fulbright Virtual Information Session

Tuesday, March 18th
2-3pm ET, Zoom

Learn how to apply for a Fulbright fellowship! The Fulbright U.S. Student Program offers grants to over 140 countries for an academic year of research, graduate study, or English teaching. Eligible applicants must be U.S. citizens and have completed at least a BS degree by the start of the grant in fall 2026 / spring 2027. Graduate students and alums are also eligible. Our internal deadline is this summer, but you should begin planning your application this spring—come learn how! More info: Julia Mongo, Fulbright Program Advisor, jmongo@mit.edu. Register in Handshake. This event is open to undergraduates, graduate students, and alumni.

MIT in 3:00

CAPD Career Exploration Fellowship

Funding, ranging from $1000 to $5000, is available to offset the cost of domestic underfunded experiences within the following industry areas: non-profits, creative or design fields, journalism, sustainability, environmental services,  or other research opportunities not affiliated with MIT.  

Funds are intended to help offset expenses incurred by undergraduates completing an experience (ex: living or transportation expenses) during Summer 2025. 

When is the application due? Monday March 17th @ 9am EST 

Learn more and apply. Questions? Contact: Tavi Sookhoo, Assistant Director of Career Prototypes, tsookhoo@mit.edu 

CAPD Career Exploration – Spring Series

MIT iCampus Student Prize

We are excited to announce the re-launch of the MIT iCampus Student Prize! The iCampus Student Prize recognizes the innovative and creative application of technology that improves living and learning at MIT, and beyond. The competition builds upon the entrepreneurism and spirit of service exhibited by MIT students to solve the world’s problems by focusing attention on what might be improved closer to home in MIT’s education and student life.

The competition is open to all current MIT undergraduates and graduate students, both individuals and groups.

This year, the iCampus Student Prize is focused on sustainability utilizing the U.N. Sustainable Development Goals (https://sdgs.un.org/goals). Sustainability is crucial for our future. We are especially interested in your unique take on the sustainability theme and how your project can support, improve and impact living both at MIT and beyond. In particular we are interested in projects that address these UNSDGs:

  • Zero hunger
  • Good health and well being
  • Clean water and sanitation
  • Affordable and clean energy
  • Sustainable cities and communities
  • Responsible consumption and production
  • Climate action

Upcoming Key Dates:

  • Info Sessions: February 26, 12-1pm (4-145) and March 12, 12-1pm (2-135)
  • First Round Submissions Due: Wednesday, March 26, 2025, 5pm ET

More information can be found at: https://icampusprize.mit.edu/

Questions, please contact kirky@mit.edu

Fusion and Fission Undergraduate Scholars (FFUSars)

Application Now Open (deadline: Wed. Feb. 26, 11:59PM)

Are you interested in a summer UROP experience that will let you:

  • contribute to fighting the climate crisis
  • connect you with a cohort of other passionate students
  • work with a mentor who is especially interested in mentoring you
  • take a class that teaches all that stuff about research that everyone else seems to just expect you to figure out on your own? 

If the answer is yes, please consider applying to FFUSars – Fusion and Fission Undergraduate Scholars. No previous experience is necessary, and first year students are especially encouraged to apply (tho all are welcome). All majors are welcome, too.

The basics of the program are as follows: 

  • undergrads do research full time over the summer (~400 hours in total)
  • undergrads enroll in 22.001 in the spring (2nd half of semester only) and 22.002 in the fall. You’ll write a literature review in the spring to prepare you for your summer research, and in the fall, you’ll learn how to write a short communication for submission to a peer-reviewed journal. All FFUSars are expected to submit such an article, and we have a near-100% success rate over the past two years!
  • FFUSars pays not only for the UROP, but also provides some funding for lab equipment and conference travel ($2k-4K, depending on available funds)
  • housing subsidy up to $3k available for those students who qualify

Questions? Need help finding a project to apply for? Contact Rachel Shulman, rshulman@mit.edu for a meeting this week.

Peter J. Eloranta Fellowships

What kind of research project would you do with $7,000?

The Peter J. Eloranta Fellowships are awarded to MIT Undergraduates (including seniors planning to graduate in June) for interesting and novel research of student-initiated ideas developed outside the normal curriculum (in any field). Each fellowship awards $7,000 for summer research.  If you are interested in learning more about the Eloranta Fellowship please attend our upcoming Zoom info sessions on one of the following dates and times:

The Eloranta Fellowship deadline is Friday, April 4, 2025.

Full details on the fellowship and submission guidelines, see: https://urop.mit.edu/students/resources/eloranta/.

Should you have any questions please write to eloranta-www@mit.edu.

MISTI: Summer 2025 Internship – Opportunities in the Arab World

MISTI Arab World is thrilled to announce that applications are now open for the MIT Arab World Summer Internships 2025! This program offers MIT students the unique opportunity to gain hands-on experience in leading industries across Jordan, Morocco, the UAE. From renewable energy and sustainability to AI, humanitarian aid, and economic development, students will work with top companies, startups, and non-profits tackling real-world challenges. Stay tuned for details on information sessions and deadlines. In the meantime, feel free to reach out to MISTI Arab World Coordinator Maye El-Qasem at melqasem@mit.edu.

More info here

Writing & Communication Center

Schedule a Writing Consultation: Our one-on-one meeting schedule for Spring 2025 is LIVE and ready for you to book appointments! Hurry to schedule your next WCC consultation or coaching session to get help with oral and written work. We provide support at all stages of the communication process, from brainstorming to the final draft. We mentor through writer’s blocks including procrastination, perfectionism, demoralization, and imposter stress. We’ll listen to you run through your presentations, help you fine-tune your prose, and streamline your trouble spots. You can learn more about consultations at the WCC website and book appointments with the online scheduler.

Spring semester
M-F, 9am-6pm
E18-233 (Writing & Communication Center)

Info Here

Boost Your Public Speaking Skills with the NEW Communication and Technology Studio: The Writing and Communication Center is launching a new Communication and Technology Studio to help you enhance your public speaking skills. At the studio, you can practice your presentations in front of simulated audiences and receive instant feedback from the PitchVantage software. To get started, reserve the studio at https://mit.mywconline.com/ by choosing the Consultations with PItchVantage schedule and begin practicing your presentations. If you want to learn more about the software options, schedule an orientation session in the same schedule. Hurry to book your orientation session and take your public speaking to the next level!

Spring semester
M-F, 9am-6pm
E18-233 (Writing & Communication Center)

Info Here

CAPD: Mock Interviews with Alum for First-Years & Sophomores

Chancellor’s Innovation Fund

ICEO Grant

ICEO Ad-Hoc Grant