Get Involved

How to engage with FLI

FLI offers programming from pre-orientation through graduation that holistically supports students individual paths through MIT. These programs are open to any MIT undergraduate who identifies with the first generation and/or low-income experience.

Looking for more ways to connect with the FLI community? You have options!

Click on the titles below to learn how each resources may best serve your interests.

FLI Around the Institute Newsletter

Curated by FLI Staff members the newsletter is a go-to resource that gives you the most up-to-date FLI programming initiatives, professional development opportunities, community wellness programs, and partnership programs. You can sign up for it through this link. Students who are self-declared as first-generation are automatically enrolled in the newsletter.

Discord – By Students, For Students

Unlike the FLI Slack, Discord is a platform run by MIT FLI students. Staff members are not affiliated with it, meaning that our students can have conversations amongst themselves that they may not be comfortable having with staff members. Join here!

Slack, Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn… you name it!

There are many more ways to get connected and involved in the FLI community. Check us out on any platform of your choosing by clicking on our Linktree. You’ll see our highlight reels, our alumni Facebook, and you can even join our Slack channel. Whatever way you’d like to connect with FLI, try it out. If none of those work, you can always email us at