FLI offers a variety of programming throughout the academic year to holistically support you throughout your academic journey.
Programs are open to all MIT FLI undergraduate students, previous engagement is not required. Some programs list RSVP because space is limited and/or food ordering is involved. Programming calendar will be updated throughout the year. Should you have any questions please write to fli-advising@mit.edu.
TIME 2 FLI is a space for FLI students to take in a rotating set of programming, drop-in to speak with staff from different resources around MIT, or just hang out and do some work with FLI friends. The first 30-45 minutes will involve a presentation on the topic listed. The remaining time is for you to hang out, ask questions, or work on something you’ve been trying to tackle. The interest RSVP form for the Spring Semester is available here.
Click HERE for our full list of programs
Looking for ways to digitally connect with the FLI community? You have options!
- FLI Around the Institute Newsletter
- Curated by FLI Staff members the newsletter is a go-to resource that gives you the most up-to-date FLI programming initiatives, professional development opportunities, community wellness programs, and partnership programs. You can sign up for it through this link. Students who are self-declared as first-generation or in Questbridge are automatically enrolled in the newsletter.
- Slack and Instagram – Connect with Staff
- Moderated by FLI Staff, the Slack and Instagram are two platforms where you can interact with students and staff in the same space. You’ll find the most up-to-date opportunities in our #general channel and Instagram posts. Interested in joining? Click here.
- Discord – By Students, For Students
- Discord is a platform run exclusively by MIT FLI students. Staff members are not affiliated with it, meaning that our students can have conversations amongst themselves that they may not be comfortable having with staff members. Join here!