Financial and Support Resources

Important Resources Available Around Campus

Student with general questions about the information below should contact A full list of financial resources available to undergraduate students can be found in the Financial Resources section of the DoingWell site.

Accessing Resources at MIT (ARM) Coalition

Ensures that MIT undergraduate students with the highest economic need have access to the resources necessary to be successful. The Coalition’s mission to address and support students experiencing financial hardship is achieved through promoting resources, identifying areas for improvement, and proposing solutions to address any gaps in support. The ARM Coalition is a resource for MIT students who may be most deeply impacted by financial inequity and financial hardship and serves as a place for students to find support with financial issues.

Initiatives include the Clothing Drive in collaboration with the Women’s League, the Brass Rat tradition in collaboration with the Ring Committee, Spring Celebrations in collaboration with the Senior Class, and Celebrate Together, a housing initiative with Housing and Residential Services that offers a limited amount of on campus housing to families during graduation, discounted Extreme PE Classes with DAPER and discounted classes through the Student Arts Association.

Undergraduate Emergency Support Fund

Resources are available to help undergraduate students cover unforeseen, essential expenses or obtain enough food for regular meals. S3 can help cover or subsidize expenses such as winter clothing or an emergency trip home. Please fill out this brief form describing your request.

Uncovered Medical Expenses

Contact S3 for information on help for uncovered medical expenses and ask a dean about the Miller Fund. The Miller Fund is a resource available to help with medical costs not covered by insurance. For more information, undergraduates should make an appointment with a dean in Student Support Services at  

FREE Mental Health or Wellness Resources

FREE Technology Resources

Travel and Conference Funding

Undergraduate students engaged in MIT’s Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program (UROP) can request travel funding to attend research conferences and present their research through the UROP direct funding application’s Materials and Services section. UROP will consider requests for travel (e.g. airfare, train, taxi), conference fees, and poster printing. For full details please contact the UROP Office,

Employment Resources

  • Review Career Advising and Professional Development (CAPD) job search resources and set up an appointment with a CAPD career advisor for help finding employment opportunities during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Student-to-Student Tips and Advice 

  • See “Thrifty”, created by the FLI Student Advisory Board, for tips from other MIT students about discounts & living affordably