2011: The First Generation Project Launches
Launched in the spring of 2011 under Student Support Services, The First Generation Project (FGP) was born from a desire to create a sense of community and visibility for MIT’s first generation students – those whose parents do not have college degrees. Through shared stories and student interactions, it became clear that many students were facing similar challenges, often in isolation. FGP seeks to address these concerns by building a supportive network and promoting a sense of belonging among first-generation students.
2018: UAAP Restructured
Upon the appointment of Ian Waitz as the vice chancellor overseeing undergraduate and graduate education, the Undergraduate Advising and Academic Program (UAAP) was restructured.
2019/2020: FGLI Working Group Begins
The First Generation Low-Income Working Group (FGLIWG) was formed during the 2019-2020 academic year to assess MIT’s efforts in supporting first-generation and low-income (FGLI) students. The group analyzed survey and focus group data with the goal of improving services and resources for FGLI students. One of the key insights from their research on other Ivy+ institutions was the presence of dedicated staff and resources. While peer institutions had established offices and multiple staff members specifically focused on supporting FGLI students, MIT had only one staff member dedicating less than half of their time to this population.
2020: RIC5 Phase 1 Begins
Task Force 2021 and Beyond was tasked with redefining how we live and work at MIT post-Covid-19. Phase 1 included working groups and community advisory groups, among other community-wide data sources. Phase 2 introduced sixteen Refinement and Implementation Committees (RICs), each tasked with developing targeted proposals. RIC5 addressed the undergraduate experience, specifically advising, mentoring, and development. Their recommendation was “to implement a stronger undergraduate advising structure where students are supported by a group of newly hired professional advisors who work with them from admission to augmenting the work done by faculty advisors in departments. These new ‘Institute Advisors’ will help all students identify and achieve their personal and academic goals while at MIT. The new centralized advising resource will be led by a new Director of Academic Advising.”
2023: UAC Director Begins; UAC Strategic Plan, Vision, Mission, & Logo Established
Associate Dean and Director Dr. Diep “yip” Luu began at the Undergraduate Advising Center (UAC) in January 2023 and engaged in listening sessions with students, faculty, staff, administrators, and alumni to develop the UAC strategic plan.
• Creation of three new subunits: Advising & Student Belonging (ASB), Advising & Academic Achievement (AAA), and Advising & Strategic Initiatives (ASI) in addition to integrating the existing fourth subunit, Office of the First Year (OFY).
• Staff hired: three associate and four assistant deans.
• The UAC’s vision, mission, and logo were developed to align with the Chancellor’s holistic vision for supporting the whole student.
• Institute Advising Center (IAC) was changed to Undergraduate Advising Center (UAC) to accurately reflect the student population served.
2024: UAC Advising Implementation – Phase 1
Starting in fall 2024, UAC advisors launched the sophomore advising cohort (class 2027), connecting with sophomores at key points during the year. The program provides students with a structured advising curriculum, access to the UAC’s Student Success Toolkit, and a personalized advising experience. In addition, students now have the option to attend drop-in advising sessions both in person and via Zoom.
• Staff hired: two assistant deans, six staff associates, one communication specialist
2025: UAC Advising Implementation – Phase 2
• Junior cohort (class 2027)
• Sophomore cohort (class 2028)
• First-year cohort (class 2029)
Fully staffed at 23 with the last two staff associate hires.
2026: UAC Advising Implementation – Final Phase
• UAC advises all undergraduate students
• All students in the academic departments have an assigned faculty advisor and a UAC advisor
New Space Opens:
• Undergraduate Advising Hub officially opens on the first floor of Building 11